Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament

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Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament

Pastor Joey will lead a new sermon series entitled "Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament." We look forward to exploring stories of Abraham, Daniel, Noah and others as they followed the Lord faithfully to fulfill His perfect will.

August 30, 2020

Moses' Faith

Series: Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament Passage: Numbers 12

August 23, 2020

David's Faith

Series: Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament Passage: 1 Samuel 16–17

August 16, 2020

Gideon’s Faith

Series: Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament Passage: Judges 6–7

August 2, 2020

Noah's Faith

Speaker: Oscar Rodriguez Series: Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament Passage: Genesis 6

July 19, 2020

Daniel's Faith

Series: Look to God: Acts of Faith in the Old Testament Passage: Daniel 1